#Karma is bigger or destiny?
'Karma is bigger or destiny' - this debate has been going on in this world for centuries. Who is greater in karma and fate? This question has been arising in human minds for centuries. Karmists, who believe in karma, say that karma is everything and destiny is nothing...#Karma is bigger or destiny?
'Karma is bigger or destiny' - this debate has been going on in this world for centuries. Who is greater in karma and fate? This question has been arising in human minds for centuries. Karmists, who believe in karma, say that karma is everything and destiny is nothing. Whereas fatalistic people say that luck is everything and man can do whatever he wants; Ultimately only that which is written in destiny will happen.
What is truth in reality? Is karma greater or fate? Is karma better or fate? Is karma important or fate? Are karma and destiny opposite or complementary to each other? These questions often arise in our minds, but what is actually the truth? To understand this we enter into a sweet story described in the Puranas.
If the karma is good then the fate will also be good and if the karma is bad then the fate will also be bad. Why ? Because karma itself turns into destiny. Karma itself manifests as destiny. If karma is the seed then destiny is the tree that emerged from that seed.
"If the seed is of acacia then only the acacia tree will appear from that seed and if the seed is of mango then only the mango tree will appear from that seed. Similarly, good deeds, virtuous deeds, auspicious deeds are in the form of good fortune. Are expressed, manifest, transform, appear. Fate is nothing but the manifestation of the deeds done by us in the past or in the present.
'He is the shadow of our deeds, the reflection of our deeds, the result of our deeds. Where there is courage, effort, strong will power, tremendous morale, self-confidence, there is victory, there is victory, there is success, there is joy and cheer and where there is laziness, indolence, carelessness, there is defeat, there is failure. Is. Therefore, in our scriptures, only doing work, making efforts is considered important. ,
It is said in the Vedas-
Try in this big world. Make efforts to become fortunate.
All intelligent people should make efforts in this world.
To achieve great good fortune - try.
People who make efforts achieve ultimate happiness.
Karma is in my right hand and Jai is in my left hand.
Humans! Do good deeds.
Men spoke through their actions. Friends ! Resolve to do good deeds. Even in Geeta, Lord Shri Krishna has inspired us to do our work without worrying about the results.
In Geeta (2/47 – 48) Lord Krishna says to Arjun-
Your right lies only in doing your work, never in its fruits. Therefore, do not be the cause of the results of your actions and do not have any attachment even in not doing your actions.
Hey Dhananjay! By renouncing attachment and being equally intelligent in success and failure, you are situated in Yoga and perform your duty. Being in a state of equanimity is called yoga.
This life, this world is action oriented. While highlighting the primacy of karma, Manaskar has written-
This world, this world is full of karma. Whatever action one performs, he gets the same result. All types of things are available in this world. There is no dearth of any substance in this world, but a man devoid of action does not attain anything; Because to achieve something in this world one has to first do work in the form of enterprise. Saint Kabir has also said a lot about the importance of karma-
Results can be achieved only by taking measures yourself, without hard work even God does not give anything. If seeds are not sown in the field then what will grow in the field? While clarifying karma and destiny, Swami Vivekananda has said that control your thoughts, otherwise they will become your karma and control your actions, otherwise they will become your destiny. Man is the creator of his own destiny. He creates good or bad fortune by his actions.
At the same time, the most revered Gurudev has also clarified that 'As a man thinks, so does he and he becomes like that. Karma and destiny are not opposed to each other, but complementary. Fate is nothing but a manifestation of karma. If the deeds are good then the fate will be good and if the deeds are bad then the fate will also be the same and undoubtedly man is the creator of his own fate. He can do whatever he wants. Can make it like that.
Hence, it is clear that if a man has tremendous self-confidence, tremendous determination, tremendous morale, then even the oceans and mountains are forced to give way to him in front of the roar of his masculinity.
Even big calamities cannot distract him from his goal. Even adverse circumstances become favorable for him. If he wishes, he reaches the pinnacle of success in any particular field like sports, industry, spirituality, space, education, business etc. Just as a skilled sculptor carves a hard stone and gives it the desired shape, shape and size, in the same way, a courageous man, through his efforts and noble deeds, is able to give the desired shape to his life and with his own hands, he is able to shape his destiny. He forges, creates and becomes the ruler of happiness, good fortune and joy.
Hence, our karma is the seed and destiny is the tree that appears from that seed. Luck is the sweet or sour fruit growing on the same tree. Therefore, we should always remember the message of the Upanishad that
'get up! Wake up and struggle until you reach your goal.
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