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Tinku Kumar Ambassador поделился фото. 02/12/2023

West Asia searches for a messenger of peace

Is there any strong country or group of influential nations working towards mutually acceptable co-existence between Israelis and Palestinians?
So, is there a powerful peacemaker among us? This is the most important question of today.We should also talk about...
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Николай Кырпалэ Absolutely Tinku let's do it together 1 год назад

How much do you know about life?

Very little. Where do you know your relationship not only with your property, with your neighbor, with your wife, but also with your beliefs? You know only superficial things and want continuation of these. Oh God, what a mess you have made your life into! Is...
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#Karma is bigger or destiny?

'Karma is bigger or destiny' - this debate has been going on in this world for centuries. Who is greater in karma and fate? This question has been arising in human minds for centuries. Karmists, who believe in karma, say that karma is everything and destiny is nothing...
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#Wise ones! Why do you become a fool?

Human intelligence is famous. His cleverness, efficiency and amazing power of thinking cannot be praised enough. He has achieved the honor of being the crown jewel of the universe on the strength of his intelligence and has made himself resourceful by making...
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#Rule or serve :-

A seeker chooses action. Well, we have to work. Now the choice we have is whether we want to work like Mahatma Gandhi or like Hitler? Do you know what image you want to create? Do you want to rule the world or serve it? After all, this is the option.

• Almost everyone wants to rule...
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#Global Peace also need everyone nations-
Emphasis was laid on adopting the path of Lord Buddha to establish peace in the world. The wars taking place between different countries are a matter of global concern. The whole world knows the message of non-violence, love, peace and harmony of Mahatma Gandhi...
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World peace requires Buddha, not war

These days the world is burning with the heat of hatred on the subject of 'Buddhism and World Peace'. In such a situation, Buddha is needed not war to establish peace.

The land of Nalanda, Bihar and India is the holy land of Lord Buddha. From here the message...
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Nicolae Cirpala Thankyou very much sounds good! Please keep posting your researches and ideas DAILY on our network for peace 1 год назад

positive dose-
“There is a rule of the universe that whatever you share, you will have without any trace, whether it is money, food, respect, insult, hatred or love.” As I consider same to as Global Peace 2027 marathon.#Harmony, loving,true Parents and child,God with child, Inspired think,...
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theory of cause and effect

The principle of cause and effect is an important principle in relation to karma. Every mental or physical activity of a human being comes under karma. In Vedic philosophy this is called karma. The soul is free to act. After karma comes into contact with the soul, its...
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Mahatma Gandhi's thoughts inspired the whole world. Bapu's specialty was to connect with people and connect with them. Similarly, Lal Bahadur Shastri ji will always be remembered for his steadfast leadership at a very important time in our history.

If a person gives up taste, it will benefit the body.
If you give up disputes, it will benefit your relationships and if you give up unnecessary worries, it will benefit your life.

This life is a journey from the gross to the subtle. The soul cannot be seen through the soul without being subtle. And this subtle vision does not come without spiritual practice. Unless the mind is controlled, only gross sensations are captured. In fact, meditation is the process of making the... Показать больше

Tinku Kumar Ambassador поделился фото. 21/09/2023

#Happy International Day Of Peace 21Sept.2023

Peace has become more important in the world
This era is in a very delicate situation from the point of view of peace. Especially, the big leaders of the world should understand their responsibilities. Special on International Peace Day:

Today the...
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Nicolae Cirpala Thankyou very much Tinku. God Bless you 1 год назад

Can we understand life directly or do we have to experience something to give meaning to our life? Is that element love? Does love have to have a reason? And if there is a reason for love, will it be love?

What is the real goal of life? First of all what do you do with it? The purpose of life is...
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Four inventions that can change the world

In the last month and a half, probably the maximum number of major discoveries have been made in the scientific world. Two of these discoveries have taken place in the field of physics and two in the field of medicine. These are all solutions that mankind has...
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Happy life to fruit of satsang

Once Mahatma Buddha was on a tour. In this sequence, he stayed in a village. A crowd gathered in the village to see Mahatma Buddha. Everyone started reaching out to him to seek his blessings. Seeing this, Mahatma Buddha decided that he would stay there for a few days...
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Economic development for peace
From food to pharma, from space to startups, and Global peace making,when every sector progresses, the economy will also develop.

Nicolae Cirpala Thankyou very much dear Tinku Kumar Ambassador 1 год назад
Tinku Kumar Ambassador поделился фото. 28/08/2023

I'm sorry you guys don't love studying. Without study there can be no knowledge and without knowledge there can be no power. It is useless for you to say that you do not get time. How much time do I get to study?

"When I was coming back from England, I read eight hundred pages on my way from...
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Nicolae Cirpala Thankyou Tinku Kumar Ambassador you are great 1 год назад
Tinku Kumar Ambassador поделился фото. 28/08/2023

Concentration of Minds
By being focused, we become better listeners and speakers, which strengthens our relationships, both professionally and personally. focused on his work instead of dwelling on past tragedies It is better to do.

Nicolae Cirpala Sounds great Tinku Kumar Ambassador 1 год назад

Nicolae Cirpala друг участника Tinku Kumar Ambassador

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