삶과 비즈니스 코치와의 실시간 대화는 완벽한 코칭 교육을위한 온라인 컨설팅을 제공합니다. 행복 해피 :) Life & Business @ Global Peace Building Community - ivacademy - NASIRU AUWALU MUSA's profile
NASIRU AUWALU MUSA shared a photo. 31/08/2021

#For peace#GPBNetwork#

#for peace #GPBNetwork#
We better learn to leave together as brothers and sisters or perish together as fools. Quotation by Martin Jr

NASIRU AUWALU MUSA shared a photo. 25/08/2021

Fighting against bribe and corruption is a key toward positive change for peace development to our communities and dear nations.

Nicolae Cirpala yes lets do it for peace 4 years ago
