GPBNet - Global Peace Building Network - Awards Peace Ambassadors & Accredits Organizations Worldwide thus finishing building Ultimate Global Peace by 2027 @Gov @HAPPY-TV-NEWS @Youth @Fam @Edu @Pilgrimages @Biz @Emb - Moses kalasa's profile

Let's pray for the world to heal

Hello 22.01.2022 please join #GlobalPrayerChain to Save and Bless 7B+ people unite efforts daily at 21.00 (your local time) with your friends, family, organizations and #PrayWithNick for:
- Ultimate Global Peace by 2027
- All countries to be restored to God by 2027
- For Peace in Cameroon,...
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Hello 22.01.2022 please join #GlobalPrayerChain to Save and Bless 7B+ people unite efforts daily at 21.00 (your local time) with your friends, family, organizations and #PrayWithNick for:
- Ultimate Global Peace by 2027
- All countries to be restored to God by 2027
- For Peace in Cameroon,...
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Nicolae Cirpala is friends with Moses kalasa
