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Essay on Peace: Martin Kiedler
Thoughts on peace
When we have everything we need, we might forget how precious and valuable the sunlight, fresh air, clean water, our health, peaceful relations and a so called „normal life“ are. All people around the globe long for peace. But the cry for peace...Essay on Peace: Martin Kiedler
Thoughts on peace
When we have everything we need, we might forget how precious and valuable the sunlight, fresh air, clean water, our health, peaceful relations and a so called „normal life“ are. All people around the globe long for peace. But the cry for peace which comes from the very depths of the hearts and souls of the Russian people is stronger and louder than in most parts of the world because of their desire to live in harmony with each other, with their neighbors and the international community.
The good and peaceful mind of a person is often deeply buried. This also applies to a nation whose good mind is represented by peace-loving citizens. It is necessary to liberate and strengthen the good in us and in the nations to overcome the evil mind and create lasting peace. Many saints and righteous, faithful and sacrificial men and women lived and live on the soil of Russia. This slumbering potential must be unleashed that Russia can reach it’s true identity as a peace hero the world is proud of.
One of the peace heroes in the past was the saint John of Kronstadt. Father John was absolutely aware that the problems Russia faced in his time could only be solved by turning to God. He knew about the existence of an immeasurable, light-filled and just spiritual world. With his spiritual perceptiveness he perceived it as real as normal people perceive the material world with their physical senses. He attributed the spiritual emergency of his time and the many false teachings to a blindness of the soul that afflicted his contemporaries like a plague. In addition to physical blindness, there is also soul blindness. It dominated the progressive spirit, which was permeated by materialism, atheism and immorality. In view of the spiritual decline, Father John spoke of the need for a fundamental renewal as once with the Flood in Noah's time.
Tsar Nicholas II celebrated his birthday on 6 May 1907. It was ten years before the Bolshevist revolution. Everyone of distinction was gathered at the Tsar's Palace in St. Petersburg. John of Kronstadt was invited to speak. On the occasion of the Tsar's birthday, everyone expected words of blessing for the Tsar, his family and the Russian Empire. But Father John shocked those gathered with a gloomy prophecy and called for repentance:
"The Russian Empire is trembling, tottering and close to fall due to anarchy and apostasy of the intelligentsia from God.... If you fall away from your faith, you cease to be Holy Russia and become a horde of infidels striving to destroy each other.... If Russia is not cleansed from a lot of weeds, it will be devastated like the ancient kingdoms and cities, which the justice of God erased from the face of the earth, because of their iniquities and their impiety... The judgment of God is already at the door, it will not be long in coming.... We can only be helped by a deep, heartfelt repentance of all classes of people..."
Repentance is all the more necessary in our modern times. But the whole world must repent and turn to God, who is our Heavenly Parent, not just Russia. No one should point the finger at the other and start with themselves.
May a heavenly Russia arise and be a guardian of peace in the world!
Best wishes
Martin Kiedler
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