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For whom will be useful my consulting?
- Business owners who want to know what and how to check with contractors, those who are tired of waiting for results;
- Beginners and entrepreneurs who choose to promote their site or business on the Internet by themselves;
- Executors who are looking for new ways and want to expand the range of services to their customers.
Format of consulting: Online consulting for 45 minutes. Consider one question or one problem at a time.
How to order:
Consultant - best sellers writer Nicolae Cirpala will help you in Life and Business, get online help from author of books for self-development, counselor, coach and business consultant - helping people to perfect their Life and Business online.
Nicolae Cirpala has more than 24 years of experience in designing, implementation and monitoring of various development and business projects. He took internships and works in 30 countries, meeting thousands of people per day, raising constantly his qualification. Also, he organized hundreds of trainings, conferences and projects in different areas of life. As author he are writing self-help, self-improvement, visionary, predictions, faith, global peace building books - books for life and business. He is giving presentations about it as guest speaker at international seminars and conferences.
References: internet search Nicolae Cirpala. Life is good! Learn instantly online how to solve life problems, constantly improving the quality of your life - download Nicolae Cirpala books, order his vital online consulting s! Dedicated to enhancing the lives of people (happy people–happy world)
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