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Nicolae Cirpala Discussion started by Nicolae Cirpala, on Sunday, 31 January 2021 18:21
The 10 Business Coaches 

10. Nicolae Cirpala, online Coach, and Author at IVAcademy

9. Christy Whitman, Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach, and Author

8. Brenda Bence, International Leader on Branding

7. Michael Bungay Stanier, Author and Founder of Crayon Box

6. Dr. Peter Chee, Developer of Coaching Models and Certification Credentials

5. Dr. Marcia Reynolds, Organizational Psychologist and Coaching Leader

4. Paul Martinelli, Belief Leadership

3. John Mattone, Top Authority on Intelligent Leadership

2. Judith E. Glaser, Pioneering Change Agent and Leading Authority on Conversational Intelligence

1. Tony Robbins, Personal and Leadership Development
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